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The Laminin Molecule in the Human Body -- An Illustration of Christ in Mankind
Select this Molecular Diagram to discover an incredible Truth ...


"Jesus Christ is the image of the invisible God, the Firstborn over all Creation.

For by Him all things in Heaven and on Earth were created, things visible and invisible,

whether they are kings, or lords, rulers, or powers.

All things have been created through Him and for Him.

He Himself existed before Anything else did,

and He holds all things together.

Colossians 1:15-17




My name is Doug Coggeshall.  I live in Florida …
You’re invited to watch the above (Compass) video file.  It was sent to me by a friend.  
I hope that this video changes your life, opening your eyes that our mortal lives hang by the most slender and fragile of delicate threads … sometimes to be ended “instantly” by an accident, heart attack or storm.   
I survived an extremely violent car accident in June 2006, that was even faster and quicker than this video … 
I did not have time to utter a single sound, process a single thought … even of my dad, mom, or four beautiful children or my two granddaughters … 
Not even a moment to pray … or even think the word “Jesus” … even the letter “J” in His name … 
It’s simply a miracle of Christ that not only did I survive that violent car accident, but that also I’m even able to think a complete sentence, type these letters from my computer keyboard, remember my birthday …   
There were two changes in my life, made after surviving the accident:   
First, to know with “complete assurance” that Jesus Christ is my living savior. 
That Christ is not merely my “hell fire insurance policy” (a very real and terrible place) … but that I’ve invited Him into my life, as my Captain, Savior and King … relying upon His grace and forgiveness for the thousands of my life’s mistakes …  
Second … to always let my Family, Friends and Loved Ones to know how much I appreciate the great blessings that they are in my life.  
I have vowed to “never” wake-up on the “other side of the veil of death” … regretting that I have been too angry, bitter, complacent, lazy, prideful, or just plain stupid … to have let Lessons one and two be forgotten and neglected.
Jesus Christ boldly said of Himself (John 14.6)
“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.
Christ deliberately left  “no”  margin for misinterpretation that He was merely a “nice Jewish guy”  … who said “nice things” … and entertained “nice” people at Wedding parties by turning “water into wine” … 
Does Christ know that we all have REAL questions about Him ? Absolutely !
Fortunately, Christ  accepts and understands  our Doubts and Questions … and will provide the Answers we need … just as He graciously showed the realistic and cynical Disciple Thomas His nail-scarred hands after Christ was resurrected.
Then He said to Thomas, "Reach here with your finger, and see My hands; and reach here your hand and put it into My side; and do not be unbelieving, but believing." 
For your own … legitimate doubts and questions ? 
Quietly ask Christ … today … right now as you read this … for the answers "YOU" genuinely need. 
Jesus Christ will never fail you …    Christ’s Peace and Blessings of Health, Protection and Safety be to You today … 
Finally, if I may do so, let me add a few comments about my own spiritual journey through life, and precisely why Jesus Christ means so much to me.
I guess I could start by saying (humorously) that people say that I'm a pretty smart guy, with all this "Senior Aerospace Mechanical Engineer" title thing ... 
and that the "big reason" for my belief in God is the infinite beauty of the stars and the DNA double-helix molecule.
Sorry, but that guess would be wrong by a couple of light years.
Christ supernaturally healed me from drug addiction when I was 25. It was a great miracle.
I had failed for two (2) frustrating and miserable years trying (on my own) to get the Monster of drug addiction off my back.  I even sought the advice of a (genuine) witch in a desperate struggle to do anything to get free of the drug addiction.
Then, one Sunday evening in New Orleans, I walked into a church service, purposely sitting in the back, in deliberate and cynical isolation from the "church people". 
Christ's message of love, grace, forgiveness and healing were expressed in the message, and those "mere words" might have been quickly forgotten when I would drive home that night.
However ... Christ had a different agenda that evening for me ... and His incredible grace and forgiveness touched my heart and soul ... to which I responded with simple acceptance, just as a child accepts a birthday gift or smile from his or her parents.
And in the midst of this stellar supernova of Christ's love and grace towards me, my drug addiction ... driven by the emotional despair of abandonment, failures, guilt, and remorese ... was swept away by the Tsuami of Christ's love.
It was literally as if my emotionally-cancerous drug addiction was healed by the "flip of a light switch" ... immediate, everlasting, complete.
It was Christ's touch of divine and supernatureal healing to my heart.
And Christ's cure or "salvation" from my drug addiction has lasted unto this day, thirty-three (33) years later. 
THAT is why I claim Jesus Christ as my "Captain, Savior and King" .... because He literally healed my heart and soul from failure, loss and despair.
And Christ's immeasurably beautiful and incomprehensible cosmos and dazzling variety of "life" ?
Well, they're just the icing on the cake. 


Doug Coggeshall